Payment and Refund Policy
Payment and Refund Policy Fees for courses are to be paid at the time of enrolment unless prior arrangements have been made in writing.
If we cancel a course for any reason, your fees will be refunded in full. Conditions apply for individual classes, please see page 7 of the fees policy. If an individual class has been cancelled for any reason, Glen Park Community Centre Inc. will either issue a credit/refund or schedule a make up class, where available, outside of the original scheduled dates of the course.
Funded courses require an application for refunds and will only be approved if the total number of classes cancelled amounts to 25% or more of the course. If approved, you will be eligible for a pro rata refund.
If you withdraw two weeks or more prior to the course start date, upon request you will receive a full refund of the fees paid, less the applicable Administration Fee. If less than two weeks’ notice is given, 50% of the fee will be refunded upon request, less the applicable Administration Fee.
If a course has already commenced, no refund will be given.
For further information please see Glen Park Community Centre Inc.'s Fees Policy.
Privacy Policy
Privacy Statement I understand that Glen Park Community Centre is required to provide the Victorian Government, through the ACFE Board, with student and training activity data which may include information I provide in this enrolment form. Information is required to be provided in accordance with the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines (see
The ACFE Board may use the information provided to it for planning, administration, policy development, program evaluation, communication, resource allocation, reporting and/or research activities. For these and other lawful purposes, the ACFE Board may also disclose information to its consultants, advisers, other government agencies, professional bodies and/or other organisations.
Glen Park Community Centre Inc. will not give any personal information about you to anyone else without your written permission. This is the law known as the Privacy Act, (2001).
For more information in relation to how student information may be used or disclosed please contact Glen Park Community Centre's Privacy Officer on phone (03) 9720 5097 or email